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I’m not saying if someone isn’t a go-getter that makes them a frequency-holder, just as it would be inaccurate to say that go-getters are not metaphysical or spiritual. Each group (1, 2, and 3) has its more- and less-active members, who are either side of that equation or somewhere in the middle or back and forth, for their own reasons. Though, it’s possible that some who feel uninspired may feel this way because trying to be a go-getter when they’re a frequency-holder may have exhausted them, and they feel like giving up or have. This reminds me of Leo Buscaglia’s story about how some people are peaches and some people are bananas, and how much energy it would take for a peach to become a banana, in order to get the approval of those who only like bananas. 


There are more aspects, of course; but if these I’ve described had you nodding your head as you read them because they describe you (or someone you know), it’s time you honor your purpose (or theirs): Continue to expand your conscious awareness so you expand your ability to work with energy and fulfill your role as a frequency-holder. It’s time you understand and honor who and how you are; time to remove the blocks created by believing you’re supposed to be a go-getter type, which forces you to try to be someone and something other than you are. You will either continue to do whatever work you do, while attending to frequency-holding in a sacred (and likely silent) way, or you’ll become, as Tolle wrote, someone who offers spiritual or healing services, which come in many forms of outer expression, from counseling to humor (Swami Beyondananda, for example).


If you release these blocks and allow yourself to BE, this will open different doors far easier than your attempts to open any you aren’t meant to walk through. You’ll look for ways to be on purpose and to honor the sacredness of moments and individuals and life rather than how to be successful in go-getter fashion; though, that’s not to say you won’t or can’t experience success. You can, but you can do it in ways and measures appropriate for you. You can love and appreciate and honor who you are more than you previously imagined you could or would or should.


You can give up trying to color inside the lines, when you are meant to be a rainbow in the sky, its colors tinted, of course, by your unique personality. Note: keep your energy about this sacred, and ego’s need for any identity as “special” out of it to avoid having the energy bite you on the bum to get you back on purpose (see my article, “Does Ego or Conscious Awareness Drive You?”).


Practice makes progress.

© Joyce Shafer

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