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Guest Article--


Are You a Go Getter or a Frequency Holder?

By Joyce Shafer






Today’s cultural “norm” favors go-getters, a mold “everyone” is supposed to fit into or desire to. What if you’ve never felt you fit into the go-getter mold? Where do you fit? Maybe here.


You’re aware of traditional and mainstream achievement go-getters; we’ll call them Group 1. And there are the adventurous avant-garde and iconoclastic go-getters (Group 2). My many attempts over my lifetime to try these on, because surely one of them had to fit, tended to cause me to get metaphysical splinters; and I figured there was something “wrong” with me when actually there was something right with me… just as it may be with you.


When you know you don’t really fit in among Groups 1 or 2 that the majority of people around you fit into, and the various aspects of society (familial, social, professional, political, educational, religious…) tell you that you should or must, you can fall into the trap of feeling not so good about yourself and wonder, “What’s up with this?!”, which is something they may wonder as well. This feeling and questioning, theirs and yours, happens because none of those types or groups, and possibly you, recognizes the fact there is a Group 3 that has its proper place in the grand scheme of life in the evolving world and universe.


Frankly, I didn’t know about Group 3 until fairly recently; and discovering it was like a warm, cozy spot in front of a crackling fireplace on a cold night or the welcome calm after a storm… evidence that I’m always learning something new about myself, or can. Actually, I figured this out about myself quite a while back; I just didn’t know it had a label or was considered valid by anyone on Planet Earth, which has allowed to me feel, and mean, “You’re okay, and now I know I’m okay, whether you understand it or not.” So, let me tell you what the heck I’m talking about.


Eckhart Tolle had this to say about the third group (the Others he mentions here): The outward movement into form does not express itself with equal intensity in all people. Some feel a strong urge to build, create, become involved, achieve, make an impact upon the world…. Others, after the natural expansion that comes with growing up has run its course, lead an outwardly unremarkable, seemingly more passive and relatively uneventful existence. They are more inward looking by nature, and for them the outward movement into form is minimal…. [some] eventually become healers or spiritual teachers, that is to say, teachers of Being. In past ages, they would probably have been called contemplatives. There is no place for them, it seems, in our contemporary civilization. On the arising new earth, however, their role is just as vital as that of the creators, the doers, the reformers. Their function is to anchor the frequency of the new consciousness on this planet. I call them the frequency-holders. They are here to generate consciousness through the activities of daily life, through their interactions with others as well as through “just being”…. As each human being is an integral part of the collective human consciousness, they affect the world much more deeply than is visible on the surface of their lives.


If you’re of a certain age (maybe younger) it’s likely self-evident that you’re a frequency-holder, if what Tolle wrote about them really resonates with and for you. Or, maybe you know someone like this. Either way, my hope is that once you finish reading this, you stop judging yourself for not fitting into Groups 1 or 2, or stop judging those who fit into Group 3. If you’re still not sure you fit in Group 3, here are additional bits to consider.     [Cont'd>>]

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